Monday, January 26, 2009

Year of the Cow, Tentative "Income" of Angbao: $278 (more to come!)

Father gave me $100 angbao
Mother gave me $60

Went to the first relative's house and reached at 4pm, our latest arrival time all these years. Ate her famous curry chicken and had a chat. Well, not much to say actually. Got 3 angbaos here, total income $50.

Second next. Hougang area. I usually stay very quiet when visiting them. For some reasons, I was darn chatty today. However, I did not talk to my cousins, I talked to the elders instead. Probably I'm more to the "aunty" side when it comes to talking and gossiping, LOL! Got 6 angbaos here, income is $58. Quite little leh.. >.<

China relatives coming over on Saturday. It's been so long since I met them!! Like, 10 years ago? Since they are gonna take Cathay Pacific, I asked them to help me buy an aeroplane model, LOL! Wonder how it gonna look like.. Hopefully it's an A330 or A340-600!

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