Went for a site visit today for the Green Vision module. Our destination: Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve. It was really an interesting trip! We got to see a different side of Singapore. The creepy crawlies, reptiles and even insects that you don't see in the city! Let the photos do the talking. :D

That's our bus!

I've rarely got a chance to see NP from this view...

Nice motor!

We see Malaysia's skyline!

Decorations at the reception. Nice!


Can you guess what is this? This is a giant lobster!

More pictures of nature!

Tidal gate! Water comes in from here..

..And goes out of the other side!

Nice photography? :D

Noni fruit. Eaten by Hawaiians to prevent cancer!


I forgot what is this thing called, but the skin looks like unagi. LOL


Guess what is this? This is a rubbish bin!

Tree and water

Notice the little ant? :D It seems to have lost its way.. Aww..


Mangrove roots!

Anyone care for a swim? :D

Another of the-thing-that-I-forgot-the-name


The horizon is level, the foreground is tilted. Nice right? :D

Last pictures of the swamp..
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