Tuesday, September 9, 2008

i miss childhood after listening to this song..

劉文正 - 童年

童年(英文版Days On My Past)

childhood is something everyone goes through.. yesterday jh bought some gummy and other sweets from mini toons at IMM and shared it between us and adrian. reminds me of childhood.. yes, childhood life is simple and without any troubles.. u just play ur load and dun need to care about anything.. i extracted some lyrics from the chinese version and found out that it really suits me..

等待着下课 等待着放学 等待游戏的童年

basically talking about waiting for school to end.. and of course lessons to end too.. cuz everytime after school we would just go and play our load in the basketball court or anything in primary school.. will i find those days back? hard to..

多少的日子里总是 一个人面对着天空发呆
就这么好奇 就这么幻想 这么孤单的童年

staring at the sky alone.. yes i always do that when i was young. i didnt really have a computer until p6, therefore no computer games for me last time.. sometimes staring in the sky is fun too.. u get to see aeroplanes flying past and the chirping of birds.. we were always very curious during our childhood days, imagining things and stuff. since we did not know much things last time, we did not have to worry about finances, results.. and such..

总是要等到睡觉前 才知道功课只做了一点点
总是要等到考试以后 才知道该念的书还没有念
一寸光阴一寸金 老师说过寸金难买寸光阴
一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年
一天又一天 一年又一年 盼望长大的童年

self explanatory i guess.. guess it's almost the same for everyone. discovering that we have not finished our homework and not studying for exams at the last minute. every inch of time is equivalent to 1 inch of gold as the chinese saying goes. even if u have 1 inch of gold, it's hard to earn back 1 inch of time.... will i find back childhood again?

nostalgia for childhood...

on the other hand, i have 18 more hours before i board the plane to chiangmai...

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