Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yet Another Post

So, today is Saturday. Frankly speaking, I've already lost count of days since coming back from Genting. I had to constantly remind myself that, "Hey, today's Saturday!" to actually know the day itself. Remember when I was little I used television programs to help me remember the days. Now that I rely on more than ever, it's useless. Also, when schooling I can also remember the days using the timetable. Now on holiday mode, it's really darn hard to know which day it is! Haha.

Great to say that I caught 11:11 on BOTH clocks I have. The clock I bought from Wuhan that is going abit cranky and my computer. Yay! However, I forgot to make a wish on both occasions. Argh. =.= Holidays are coming but I have no holidays since I'll be on attachment, so I guess I might as well enjoy these 2 weeks of holidays first and worry about exams later. Although I must not be pessimistic, I still think that I'll repeat module next semester. Hopefully not, if not no attachment money to get DSLR. xD I shall use that as my motivation!

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