Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yet another fun day out! First things first. Went gym again this morning. I'm glad they changed the cushions on the Pec Fly/Rear Delt machine as it was so torn out. Another thing is, I'm glad that they changed the position of the machine such that it's facing the swimming pool now. No one to look at you when you do your workout on that machine - and that made me stay a total of 20 minutes of that machine today. I worked even harder today. Another great thing is, I worked out my hamstrings, triceps, quadriceps, biceps, teres major, deltoids and many more muscles. Ah, my tummy is getting a little bigger again. Time to make it smaller!

Slacked at home and got psychoed by Erwin to visit NP with CK and Pris. It's still so crowded today at the open house. Oh, CK had a haircut lol. Looks a bit funny to me.. But ya.. :p Ate at Makan Place after visiting the convention centre and slacked a little before walking to block 50, where we sat down by the road to have a drink. Reminds me of the times in Chiang Mai, eh?

Went to block 47 next and guess what I saw? Our Chiang Mai YEP poster is up! One of the photos I taken was used, great! :D Had fun looking around the other new posters around and saw the book prize too, haha! While we were at block 18, I remembered something; The swing at Kismis field! (which as mistaken as "kiss me" field by some blur little girl.. you know who? :p) We rested at the field for quite a while as there were people at the swing. It was a rest worth it. The grass is so comfortable.. Had dinner at BTFC and went on to West Mall to purchase my headset. Ouch, another 26.90 gone. :( I'm so poor now.. Waiting for rental at the end of the month, I guess.. LOL.

Now, it's photo time!

Saw this balloon floating around the block 56 carpark.. It was at a higher altitude before it made an ILS landing into this carpark. :p

Wee~ I love the swing~ And amazingly it could "tahan" my weight! Miss childhood. :(

Another picture on the swing.. :D

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