Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I can't think of a word to describe my mood today. Angry? Worried? Sad? Pissed? Attitude? Troubled? It's like a war is starting. If it really continues, I'll fight till the end, since I am VERY sure I did nothing wrong. I'll find a temporary shelter tomorrow - at least. Or I'll rather emo myself in the library for an hour.

Had a special lunch today. Since we had a 3 hour break, I went with Pam to Sakae Sushi at JP. That means having to take 154 ALL THE WAY from NP to JP and take it back again. Argh, I'm doing it everyday and doing it DOUBLE today.. Lol. I felt like a pregnant man after the meal. Haha, it's dam full ok! Went back to school for Astats which made me feel like a zombie. I wasn't really listening to what was being taught in the class.

Diploma Plus briefing. I've decided not to continue to stay in the IFF cluster - it's a darn killer! Thinking of which cluster to 跳槽. Probably I'll be jumping to the Quality Management sector? As for elective, probably Hospitality Management. None of the others really appeal to me. I wanted to get the Applied Engineering Mechanics but there's like.. None? :S

Stayed back to study again. This time, we really studied! Sometimes I just need to get my Astats right.. Doh.. Went for dinner at BTFC. Sad thing is, the Soya Bean stall is closed. Ouch, that's my favourite!

Thanks for the listening ear once again! I appreciate the help a lot. :)

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