Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

It's time for angbaos!! Money money money~~

Anyway, had the annual Reunion Dinner just now. As usual, had steamboat. But something unusual, an additional member. :) Something must have got over me today, I drank lots of wine! Ah well.. I was the main chef for the day. Therefore, preparing and cooking the food was my duty! I had a fun time with the chopper. Chopping the meat, sotong, abalone.. And lots more! It rocks to be the main chef! 2 cans of abalone this year, the amount has doubled!

Hope everyone get lots of angbaos and happy 牛 year!

新春即将来临 祝你在新的一年里 财运亨通 心想事成 马到功成 大吉大利

也希望你做什么事都一帆风顺 双喜临门 三阳开泰
在新的一年里 四季发财 五福临门 六六大顺
你的生活 七彩缤纷 八方来财
祝你和家人朋友 九九同心

以上都是我呕心沥血的作品哦! 慢慢欣赏!


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